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LOTUS x 'Amazon Sunset', Parrot's Beak, Coral Gem, Trefoil LOTUS x 'Amazon Sunset'
Parrot's Beak, Coral Gem, Trefoil

Perennial/Subshrub: Evergreen. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Good hanging baskets, containers, ground cover or cascade plant. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: soft orange with red tips. Height: 6-8". Width: 8-10". Exposure: sun/part shade. Moderate water. USDA Z9. PP#10864 (L. berthelotii 'Red Flash' x L. maculatus seedling)

Photo unavailable LUDISIA discolor var. nigracans (syn. ANOECTOCHILUS discolor)
Black Jewel Orchid

Orchid: Grown for its foliage instead of its flowers. Attractive diamond-shaped leaves range from dark green to chocolate brown to black with a thin silver line down the center. The leaves are very velvety! White flowers are held on 12" flower spikes above the foliage. Height: 10 inches. Width: 12 inches. USDA Z10. Mostly grown as a houseplant and in terrariums. Indoors: bright, indirect light, can tolerate humidity. Consistent water, moist but not soggy. Pet friendly.

Photo unavailable LUPINUS 'Gallery White' (syn. L. nanus 'Russel Gallery White')
Lupine, Gallery Series Lupine

Perennial: Tolerates deer & rabbits. California & N. American native. The Gallery series is dwarf, & free-flowering. Has bold, fragrant flower spikes holding pea-like flowers. Bed, border, cottage garden, cut flower, rock garden, & pot plant. Attracts butterflies, bees, & hummingbirds. Blooms: spring-summer. Color: creamy white to white. Ht.: 15-24". Width: 12-18". Exp.: sun to pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4. Toxic if ingested. (syn. L. polyphullus 'Gallery White')

Photo unavailable LUPINUS densiflorus (L. microcarpus var. densiflorus, densiflorus var. aureus)
Golden Lupine, Chick Lupine, Dense Flowered Platycarpos

Annual: Drought and deer resistant. California native. A profuse bloomer that is showy and easy to grow. Flowers are fragrant. Bed, border, wildflower garden, and cut flower plant. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: yellow. Height: 2-3 feet. Width: 2 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z1. Plants are poisonous if eaten by humans and livestock.

LUPINUS succulentus, Arroyo Lupine LUPINUS succulentus
Arroyo Lupine

Annual: Tolerates drought & deer. California native. A very large & quick grower. Bears clusters of fragrant, 8" sweet-pea shaped rich purple-blue flowers in dense spikes spring-summer. Nice cut flower. Great for fields, slopes, roadsides, and country gardens. Excellent in wildflower mixtures or sowed with CA poppies for contrast. Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. Ht: 3-4 ft. Width: 1-3 ft. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry.

LYSIMACHIA alfredii 'Night Light', Moneywort LYSIMACHIA alfredii 'Night Light'

Native to China. Provides a colorful mound of attractive foliage. The dark green leaves have a purple cast and silvery green veining that turn burgundy in the shade. The stems and undersides are burgundy. Nice ground cover and container plant. Attracts bees. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: bright yellow. Height: 10-12 inches. Width: 12-14 inches. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5.PP #33,931

Photo unavailable LYSIMACHIA nummularia 'Aurea'
Creeping Jenny/Charlie, Moneywort

Perennial: Deer resistant. Coast tolerant. Evergreen ground cover, container and hanging basket plant-will spill over walls. Does well near streams. Attractive golden-yellow foliage. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: yellow. Height: 3-5 inches. Width: 2 feet. Exposure: shade. Water: moist. Bog tolerant. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable LYSIMACHIA nummularia 'Goldilocks'
Creeping Jenny/Charlie, Moneywort

Perennial: Deer resistant. Coast tolerant. Evergreen ground cover, container and hanging basket plant-will spill over walls. Does well near streams. Attractive greenish gold foliage. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: yellow. Height: 2-4 inches. Width: 2-3 feet. Exposure: sun/shade. Water: moist. Bog tolerant. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable LYSIMACHIA nummularia 'Green'
Creeping Jenny, Green Moneywort

Perennial: Deer resistant. Coast tolerant. Evergreen ground cover, container and hanging basket plant-will spill over walls. Does well near streams. Attractive bright green foliage. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: yellow. Height: 2-4 inches. Width: 2 feet. Exposure: shade. Water: moist. Bog tolerant. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MAMMILLARIA elongata
Ladyfingers Cactus

A very cool cactus native to Mexico. Small, ground cover cactus that bears about 16-24 steams per spread. Dense clusters with bright green erect stems with woolly, spiked areoles that are golden. Each stem grows up to 6" long. Bloom color: white, light yellow, or soft pink. Blooms in spiring. USDA: Z 9-11.


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